
I've been busy this week, but that doesn't necessarily mean I've been wholly successful! I have completed all 20 12" blocks for my scrappy crazy quilt. This has diminished my pile of scraps, but I seem to have just as many scraps, but smaller ones.  I have also completed all the ruler quilting on the Amanda Murphy Celestial Lights panel, designed to learn to use her oval ruler set.  Let's just say more practice is needed; it's not work I'm proud of, but I did learn from it.  I did a fair amount of unpicking but soon realised that if I continued to do that, I would never get it done, so I left a lot of rather, um, rough work. I will add more quilting, but free motion this time. I also regret using 50wt Aurifil. I think 40wt would have looked better.  The 50wt is a bit 'weedy' somehow. I intend to cut this panel up and make a bag of some description from it, just so that it's not wasted. The front of the panel. The quilting doesn't show up ver

Rulers, Quilts and Stitch

I'm not new to sewing, but I'm not really a quilter. I began at my mother's knee, sewing garments and household items and that's all I did for years. Then in the early 2000's I bought a combi sewing machine and got hooked by machine embroidery. Moving on a dozen years, or so, and I began creative sewing, mixed media collage, thread painting, wet felting mixed in there, together with some beading, printing and anything else I could mess with. Then I took a few quilting workshops but didn't really find my niche. Foundation piecing didn't really click, but I'll get back to that in time. I am currently taking Philippa Naylor's online 'Quilters' Question Time' course in an attempt to improve my precision and broaden my horizons. So, I'm still learning about quilting and myself. I've discovered that I enjoy free motion, although I lack expertise I have enthusiasm in abundance, and now that I am retired I can indulge myself as much as th